Privacy policy

 We believe that transparency is the key to any healthy relationship.  We appreciate that you are trusting us with information that is important to you, and we want to be transparent about how we use it.

1.     Data Protection Act 2018

Ellie Hopley Coaching strictly follows the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing with all data received from customers or visitors to our website.

2.     Processing of Your Information

Ellie Hopley Coaching holds data to provide and improve Ellie Hopley Coaching services as well as, to keep Ellie Hopley Coaching safe and secure, protecting it against fraud, spam and abuse etc.

3.     Information We Collect

When the user interacts with Ellie Hopley Coaching services, we collect information that alone or in combination with other information, could be used to identify you.  When the user signs up for or uses the Services, the user voluntarily gives us certain Personal Data, such as your email address. 

Specific Data Fields (What / Why):

Full Name: To identity the user by name.

Email Address: To contact the user about their service, updates, offers, promotions and support.  The email will also be used to verify that the correct email is linked to the correct user account. 

Phone Number: To contact the user about their service, updates, offers, promotions and support.  The email will also be used to verify that the correct email is linked to the correct user account.

Password: To grant you full access to the website. 

Billing Address: Address details are required to send requested invoices and competition prizes to the users.  Ellie Hopley Coaching may also use postcode data when creating a collective (nonspecific user identifiable) geo-map to better understand the user demographics.

Payment Details: Ellie Hopley Coaching do NOT hold any card details for their users, all payments are carried out via secure transaction third party software:

Profile Image (optional): Ellie Hopley Coaching will store the users profile image to create a better experience for the individuals when interacting in the community.

Date of birth (optional): Ellie Hopley Coaching stores the users age as the data is required to use some services.

Interests (optional): Ellie Hopley Coaching will store the users interests to help create a customised experience. Videos, Recipes and Blogs will all be tailored to user based interests.  The user’s interests will not be displayed to the public.

Community Posts (optional): All Ellie Hopley Coaching users are welcome to contribute their ideas and their fitness/wellbeing journey inside of the Ellie Hopley Coaching community.  Each post and comment will be stored in the community until either the user decides to remove their post, or the Ellie Hopley Coaching community admin deem the post to break the community guideline.  The users are free to share their timeline and body transformation pictures if they wish.  All posts are monitored by the Ellie Hopley Coaching community admin and posts that contain offensive language, bullying or nudity will be removed.

4.     How We Use Information

4.1.  Provide and Maintain the Services

Using the information we collect, we are able to deliver the Services to you and honour our contract with you.  For example, we may need to use your information to provide you with a customised experience that will help you get the results that you require, for example, community, recommended programmes, recommended articles, recommended recipes.

4.2.  Improve, Personalise, and Develop the Services

We use the information we collect to improve and personalise the services and to develop new ones.  For example, we use the information to troubleshoot and protect against errors; perform data analysis and testing; conduct research and surveys and develop new features and Services.

4.3.  Sharing User Data

The Services may enable you to post content to the Ellie Hopley Coaching community.  If you choose to do this, you acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your use of your content and that it is your responsibility to review the terms of use and privacy policy of Ellie Hopley Coaching.

4.4.  Contact Information

Should you reach out to us via email to get help or ask a question we will respond to the contact information that you provide.  The contact information will be used explicitly to communicate with you based on your request/question.  We may also follow up and ask for feedback about how we can improve our customer services preceding closure of your ticket.

4.5.  Analytics Information

We work with partners who provide us with analytics and advertising services.  This includes helping us understand how users interact with the Ellie Hopley Coaching services, the stability, and performance of the services, serving advertisements on our behalf across the internet, and measuring the performance of those advertisements.  These companies may use device-specific advertiser identifiers, cookies and similar technologies to collect information about your interactions with the Services and other websites and applications.

4.6.  Communicate with You

We use your information when needed to send you Service notifications and respond to you when you contact us.  If you have agreed to receive emails from us, we may use your email address to send you service and marketing related notices.  If you want, you can unsubscribe to all our email at any point.  The information about how you unsubscribe is always presented in the email you’ve received.  In order to inform you on updates to our Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, we may also use your email address.

4.7.  Sharing of Information

We may share non-personal information that is aggregated or de-identified so that it cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual.  We may disclose such information publicly and to third parties to partners under agreement with us, or as part of the community benchmarking information we provide to users of our subscription services.

Only the information needed to perform these specific actions will be shared with third-party services, nothing more. We will never share more information than necessary.

4.8.  Service and Hosting Providers

Ellie Hopley Coaching may share your personally identifiable information with third parties (like hosting and market analytics) for the purpose of providing services to you.  If we do this, such third parties’ use of your information will be bound by restrictions consistent with this Privacy Policy.  We may store personal information in locations outside the direct control of Ellie Hopley Coaching.

5.     Publicly Available Information

This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any information you post to the public areas of the Services.  Comments posted to public areas may be viewed, accessed, and used by third parties subject to those parties’ privacy practices and policies.

6.     Legal Requirements

We may preserve or disclose information about you to comply with a law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; to assert legal rights or defend against legal claims; or to prevent, detect, or investigate illegal activity, fraud, abuse, violations of our terms, or threats to the security of the Services or the physical safety of any person.

If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganisation, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of all or a portion of our assets, or transition of service to another provider, your Personal Data and other information may be transferred to a successor or affiliate as part of that transaction.  But all of this will be managed in correspondence to this privacy policy.

7.     Your Rights

You can at any time contact our support at:

to get your personal data deleted OR to request what information we hold no file regarding your account. 

If you choose to delete your account, please note that while most of your information will be deleted within a few days, it may take up to 30 days to delete all of your information, such as the data stored in our backup systems.  We may also preserve data for legal reasons or to prevent harm.

8.     Data Retention

We keep your account information, such as your email address, and password, for as long as your account is in existence because we need it to operate your account.  We keep other information, until you use your tools to delete the data or contact us for a full erasure.  We also keep information about you and your use of the Services for as long as necessary for our legitimate business interests, for legal reasons, and to prevent harm. 

9.     Changes to This Privacy Policy

Ellie Hopley Coaching reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time.  We will inform you of any changes. 

10.  Cookies

Cookies Our website uses "cookies" to track use and allow customers to purchase from our website. Please note that these cookies do not contain or pass any personal, confidential or financial information or any other information that could be used to identify individual visitors or customers purchasing from our website. Please note that you are free to refuse cookies. However, for purely technical reasons this may prevent you from purchasing from our website. This is because anonymous cookies are commonly used to keep track of the contents of customers’ shopping baskets or trolleys during the checkout process. This facility ensures that the items added to (or removed from) your basket are accurately stated when you go to pay. 


This policy was written in English.  To the extent a translated version conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.

This policy was last modified on 5th October 2020.